
Previous Posts


... and the flashes between. thoughts, experiances, and any other stuff i take the time to post.

Monday, May 31, 2004

peanuts, beer, and fireworks after the game. take me back to the ball game...

a memorial day weekend baseball game. can't get more american that that, eh?

Thursday, May 27, 2004

i got the brick mason blues

getting your house fixed is no fun at all. brick masons should be notorious for not returning calls and being terribly unpredictable. i just want to get my house fixed, sold, and get out of this mess. 4 years living in this house and now it's like a bad break up. i want to get the job done right but i also want to get it done as inexpensively as possible.
life's tough decision are what define it's final conclusions. the day to day dilemmas are not what define who we are, it's the gut wrentching no-win difficult ones that you people judge themselves on at the end of the day. i'd like to think that i make the best decision in life, but most of the time, i think i just keep up with the status quo.
nothing another day will solve but there is nothing that another day won't put one more day behind you...

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

No Fantasia in my mind...

i'm not immune to the reality tv show epidemic that we have locked ourselves into, but i've never gotten hooked on the american idol craze. my theory has always been if you can catch the series finale, then you haven't missed a thing. too bad we can't cut to the final episode of life the same way. election 2004: the final results; secrets to financial security: the episode you can't miss, the truth to life: all star cast. why is it that we are willing and encourage ourselves to rush though life, yet we subject ourselves to 13 weeks of drawn out uninspiring fantasies on television? we create drama in fiction instead of examining the mystery in our own lives. what if instead of spending that season of reality tv dialing #4942 on our cell phones to determine if fantasia or diana will be the idol of 2004, we spent it dialing into ourselves to determine our own 10-20 in life?
where does it end? when will we all find the show that will satisfy what we are really looking for?

Monday, May 24, 2004

this past winter just playing in the snow - just posting it now to mess with uploading some pictures

what is it with masons?

i sit here checking my email and catching up with bills on the computer and i'm realizing that once again i am being stood up by another brick mason to get an estimate on my house. this is the second one that has done this to me and it will make the third time that i have been left waiting. bummer. this whole home sale thing has been a bummer so far. damn all brick house low maintenance my butt. i'll get out alive, just a little poorer than before.
one good thing about selling the house is that i have an excuse to run the ac all the time now. it was nice because this weekend has been hot. i'm probably not going to be too happy about the power bill though, haaaeelll, what's a couple of hefty power bill in comparison to the ones that i'm facing to repair my walls.

Sunday, May 23, 2004

Cell phone email post

Just had to test if this would work - time consuming

the pictures came out horrible because it was dark, but the movies looked great and everyone seemed to have a pretty good time

Friday, May 21, 2004

under construction?

so blogger is pretty cool, you can edit the css on the page that they give you to personalize it. anyway, you'll notice that mine may be a little wack as i figure out the id tags and work out how to assign the bg images so they link to what i want rather than 897 or whatever the hell that is.

Nomenclature's Randoms

Nomenclature's Randoms parker and i tend to adopt technology together (at least at the same time) - i guess it makes sense considering that we work for the same software company. anyway, his recommendation is the one that helped me decide to port my blog to blogger.com. here's his thoughts, if you want to give them a check.

outsourcing is the future

so, for over a year, I've kept a simple quasi-blog on my own site. well i guess you could call it a blog, really it was just a form that I updated once a month with little sprints between. The (i love) Google toolbar has had the blogger link on it for some time and it's always intrigued me. so after a recommendation/suggestion/endorsement from my friend parker, i've decided to sign up. outsource the service, right? it will increase efficiency and output. i'm sure this blog won't write itself, but i'm sure blogger offers a lot that i can do that my puny-ass asp skills couldn't have tackled on my own site. i'll blog that address in case you want to get back there because i'll still probably update some content on that end and (sniff, sniff) it's got some sentimental value.