
Previous Posts

... and the flashes between. thoughts, experiances, and any other stuff i take the time to post.

Friday, May 21, 2004

outsourcing is the future

so, for over a year, I've kept a simple quasi-blog on my own site. well i guess you could call it a blog, really it was just a form that I updated once a month with little sprints between. The (i love) Google toolbar has had the blogger link on it for some time and it's always intrigued me. so after a recommendation/suggestion/endorsement from my friend parker, i've decided to sign up. outsource the service, right? it will increase efficiency and output. i'm sure this blog won't write itself, but i'm sure blogger offers a lot that i can do that my puny-ass asp skills couldn't have tackled on my own site. i'll blog that address in case you want to get back there because i'll still probably update some content on that end and (sniff, sniff) it's got some sentimental value.


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