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Thursday, June 10, 2004

done decisions

buyer's remorse? no, acceptance of finality? no. commitment to a decision? yes. and that alone makes me feel a little better today than I did the day before when I didn't know what I was going to do about repairing the cracks and issues that I found in my house that the previous owner must have covered up. Or did they? More about that later; maybe. I made a commitment yesterday to go with the mason that had quoted the repairs on my house. Not the lowest bid that I got, but one of the more affordable ones. I think it will work out ok, but I still stress. Do I feel better though? Absolutely. Why? Because I no longer have a decision to make in that matter. The decision is done and now it's time to deal with what arises from that one. Life is really just a series of decisions and consequences. We make one decision and leads us to react to those consequences. Those reactions solidify in the form of new decisions. People have mapped these things out on a micro-scale, but what about broadening the scope of this awareness. To be self-reflective of this medium for a moment, I suppose blogs are an attempt to do something like that. Log our thoughts and actions in an effort to map out that process from point a to point b. Or point c, d, e, f....never really to reach point z. Because we're not willing to admit that there is really a point z, are we? Isn't that why we assure ourselves that there is an afterlife, or a rebirth? If life ended with death, then there would be no consequence to our last actions, and that would mean that there are no more final decisions.
And so I decided on an action to repair my house. And that will have it's own reactions / consequences / results. But - I feel good, because making decisions, commitments = being alive and keeping the cycle turning.


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