Turn around thoughts
I could write about my car-jacking last night. I could talk about the feelings and disappointment that I have in my heart. I'm not going to talk about those things. Those are such small things they don't interest me. What interests me is hope, society, and the human side of us.
This feeling is materialized in politics. This is crystallized in the votes we make and the campaigns we support. I read an inspiring email from John Kerry tonight. He sent it after being nominated as the Democratic candidate for President. The email was true and well put and it makes me proud that I plan to vote for John-John.
But there was line that caught me and actually prevented me from reading any further in the letter:
When we talk about building a stronger America and putting ordinary people back in the driver's seat of politics...
and at first I liked this line; I felt empowered by it, considering myself as an "ordinary people." But then I realized that we can't put ordinary people back in the driver's seat of politics because they've never been there in the first place. Throughout American and Earth politics, the ordinary person has never destined his position in life. The tribes have their shamans, the beduins have their warlords, the Tibetans have their monks, the Polynesian have their kings (along with the European), the Egyptians have their pharaohs, the Native Americans have their chiefs, the Indians have the caste.
Never in history, including present day, has the ordinary person fueled the motor of general politics and society. Never has Ge (to find the meaning and use of this word, contact Brian Figueroa) been empowered to drive policy because it takes the exceptional to represent the whole. This case in history is not flawed in the contents of the society it was raised for, but it is an exoskeleton that must be shed in order to develop into the next phase of humanity. Never before have we been equipped with the tools of the exceptional to direct society's path. In the past the exceptional have served as a voice for the whole, a culmination of the movement within a people. Now, the people speak for themselves and have the same volume as the traditional representatives of our cultures. A web site for David Cobb is just as easy to find on the Internet as a web site for George Bush. Genesis Google, the democratizer of the information age. With the exceptional representatives, will also shed the need for broadcast media. COD (Content On Demand) and SSE (Superior Search Engines) will eliminate the need for radio and television networks and political representatives.
With the advent of true COD, the consumer becomes the owner of each piece of content ge consumes. Copy write becomes irrelevant because cost of delivery is essentially eliminated. Electrons carry coins and creative rather than copper and canvas. A static piece of hardware and a subscription to access offer the access and voice of the exceptional. Not only do we COD, but also we produce it, making us all a little bit of the shaman or the guru.
SSE enables the ordinary person to sift through the overwhelming silt of COD and find the cohesive message that speaks to gim (another variation of ge, if you're wondering.) SSE allows us to link with other like-minded humans and share our message rather than compete between one another until we crown a victor exceptional to represent us all. With SSE we can share one voice yet remain individual.
So, my call to arms in this rant is not to put ordinary people back in the driver seat of America, but to put ordinary people in the driver seat of America and the Earth for the first historical time in our existence. With courage we can expand our system to utilize the tools we have developed. We, the ordinary people, are already in the driver seat of America but we are like a sixteen year old who has never been there before. Gas in, clutch out, it is time to go.