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Tuesday, July 06, 2004

Bumper Bash Enlightenment

Kensho - A brief experience or glimpse of Enlightenment

This weekend I was rear-ended in a real minor accident. Just a scrape on the bumper and the panel might have cracked a clip, but I'm not even sure about that. Anyway, it sucks to be hit by anyone in your car. It was definitely her fault. I was at an exit to a parking lot waiting to pull out, and she bumped me from behind. Katie was in the car and she immediately exclaimed what had happened. For me, the reaction was more gradual and calm, and I didn't consciously realize why at first. I got out of the car looked at where I had been hit and then talked to the driver. I didn't want to get involved with insurance companies, I told her that. I didn't want to wait for a police report, I didn't want to yell, I didn't want to get mad. I still didn't consciously understand why. I took her phone number, I didn't check her id or get her license plate number, I didn't even look at what make the car was. I told her I trusted her, I would look into getting it repaired and give her a call.
Katie didn't get my reaction, and I didn't try to explain. I just said, if she is untruthful, dharma will catch up with her. And after saying that, I understood my reaction and smiled.
Two years ago I was traveling on business in San Jose, CA. It was my first day working with a new client that was a big account. Driving to the training center, I rear-ended a girl because I wasn't paying attention. Her name was Kaia and her reaction wasn't as calm as mine was this past weekend. I didn't have my insurance information on me and I didn't know how to handle a wreck in a rental car. I was also nervous and scared about getting to the work assignment on-time. She took all the information I had to give and we went on our way. Over the course of several weeks, we corresponded and she calmed and decided not to hold me responsible for any repairs or carry through with any other actions. I was grateful for being excused for what could have been a sticky situation.
This was my chance to give back to the universe. The girl that rear-ended me gave me the name of Maggie Evans. I haven't gotten an answer at the number that she gave me the first three times that I've tried to call. I've gotten 3 estimates today on repairs for the car. They range from $199 to $550. I would like to get it repaired but it's not going to kill me or disable the car if I don't. It saddens me a little if Maggie did give me fake information, but I still feel good about the decision that I made. I have taken from the world and I have given; everything does stay in balance in the long run.


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